【同义词辨析】 2020-01-27 攻击attack-offensive(2小组一起记)
(1) 攻击
attack: whether on person or character, suggests animosity or enmity as its cause but may imply such motives as cruelty, partisanship, or criticism: a speech ~ing governmental policies. (两个关键词animosity和enmity都以ty结尾,在2018-02-27 敌意enmity-animus组中,enmity仅表怨恨positive hatred,如an unspoken enmity seethed between the two两人间充满无声的怨恨,animosity表示怨恨到了攻击打斗的地步implies anger, ill will, and vindictiveness that threaten to hurt or destroy,如animosity that eventually led to revenge恶意最重导致了复仇)
assault: implies more violence and malice or viciousness and often the infliction of greater damage than attack, sometimes with specific legal or military connotations: a victim of a brutal ~. 记忆小窍门: 三个关键词的发音都以/s/结尾
onslaught: suggests a vigorous, destructive attempt to overwhelm by force of momentum or number or intensity: succumbed to the ~ of the disease. (momentum 1、动量the quantity of motion等于质量x速度the product of mass and velocity 2、冲力势头the impetus gained by a moving object or a process,如the vehicle gained momentum as the road dipped下坡时车辆冲力增大,如the investigation gathered momentum in the spring春天调查力度加大了)
onset: applies BOTH to the initial attack and to any successive renewal of vigor in the attack: troops preparing for a fresh ~ from the enemy. (onset两个意思 1、开始、发作,特别是不好的事情the beginning of something, esp. something unpleasant,如the onset of winter冬天的到来, 2、军事攻击a military attack,如本例)
attack攻击: 可针对身体或人格,恶意凶残,但也可仅仅指党派斗争或一般批评,assault攻击: 表示更猛烈恶意伤人,有法律军事意涵,onslaught猛攻: 表示压倒性毁灭性,由于冲量数量强度,onset攻击: 既指初始攻击也指后续
记忆方法: 1)首字母AOAO想成攻击时嗷嗷喊叫<==攻击 ("击"的意思是"敲knock",而"攻"的意思就是击: 许慎《说文》:"攻,击也",因此"攻击"本意是敲打。另外,"打"的意思也是击《说文》: 击也。 可见"击"是攻和打的基础词)
2)攻击的意思是试图损害毁坏中伤mean an attempt to injure, destroy, or defame.
(2) 攻击
attack: implies the initiation of action, often sudden and violent: sustained running ~ resulting in an early touchdown. action本意就是军事行动 touchdown飞机飞船等着陆降落触地,如two hours until touchdown触地前的两个小时
aggression: stresses a lack of provocation and a desire for conquest or domination, chiefly by military invasion of another's territory: pledged never to fight a war of ~.
offense: characterizes the position or methods of the attackers with specific reference to their desire for supremacy: went on the ~ to gain as much ground as possible. (supremacy显著的超越众人的优势地位implies superiority over all others that is usually perfectly apparent or generally accepted,如the supremacy of Shakespeare among English dramatists莎士比亚在英国剧作家中的至上地位,如naval supremacy制海权海上优势海上霸权/male supremacy大男子主义/the fallacy of "white supremacy"白人至上主义谬论) (to gain ground进展追上逼近,如TikTok rivals are yet to gain much ground抖音对手还未取得进展,如new moral attitudes are gaining ground新道德观越来越为人们所接受)
offensive: implies vigorously aggressive action, especially in war, or it denotes a particular episode marked by such action: launched an economic ~ to stave off a recession. (stave off挡开避开means to avert or delay something bad,如stave off a blow架开一击/stave off exposure避免暴露)
attack: 指发起军事行动,突然而猛烈,aggression侵略: 强调未受挑衅,而是为了征服主宰而军事入侵领土,offense攻势: 特指使用阵地战法谋求军事优势,offensive攻势: 指猛烈攻击行动,尤指战争
记忆方法: 1)首字母同上
2)攻击的意思是军事斗争行动mean action in a struggle for supremacy, either military or athletic, which must be defended against. (struggle斗争implies a conflict or contest冲突或争夺,如there were the sounds of a desperate struggle拚死打斗的声音,如two boys are struggling together两个男孩在打架,如a power struggle for the leadership领导权的争夺,class struggle阶级斗争,struggle for existence生存斗争)